Love Great American Music? Have We Got Some Courses for You!
HIS F22-10 Confinement in the Land of Enchantment
Tuesday, September 20, 10 am-noon
During World War II, 6000 Japanese Americans were held in confinement sites in Santa Fe, Lordsburg, Fort Stanton, and Baca Camp, with the Santa Fe Internment Camp holding the largest number of Japanese American internees.
This course first discusses national incarceration of Japanese Americans, then focuses on the New Mexico sites, using narrative, photos, and artifacts to cover the prisons’ locations, the origins of the prisoners, and life during confinement. The course concludes by addressing the lessons learned from this segment of American history. The instructor will display a prisoner roster, prisoner scrap album, and relevant publications
HIS F22-07 Jewish Vilna: The Jerusalem of Lithuania
Monday, September 19, 1-3 pm
The most vibrant Jewish city in Europe before World War II, Vilna (Yiddish) aka Vilnius (Lithuanian) aka Wilno (Polish) was home to revolutionaries, secular Yiddish scholars, and rabbinic geniuses. Throughout history, several nations claimed the city, and several armies occupied it. During the Holocaust, Jewish Vilna disappeared, but its contributions to Jewish scholarship, art, and literature remain. Join us and find out why Vilna was known as “The Jerusalem of Lithuania.”